Legal Aspects of Urban Food Supply and Distribution[1]

Table of Contents

Programme FAO
“Approvisionnement et distribution alimentaires des villes”

Série «Aliments dans les Villes»

Cormac Cullinan

DT/14-97 - juin 1997

[1] Prepared by Cormac Cullinan, of EnAct International Ltd., for the Agricultural Marketing Division, FAO.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The role of law in food marketing systems

3. Law as a tool for developing more effective food marketing systems

4. Identifying areas requiring legal reform

5. Analysing the Legal Environment for Urban Food Markets

6. A methodology for analysing and reforming regulatory systems

7. Questions for Discussion

Annex 1 - Identifying relevant legal rules

Annex 2 - A methodology for analysing regulatory frameworks